Monday, 10 August 2009

Marks & Spencers Percy Pig's

Dear Mr Mark and Mrs Spencer,

I am emailing you to express my concern for your product 'Percy Pigs'. Recently in the news, I have been hearing alot about the new 'Swine' Flu which has deeply affected the way I live my life. This is to the extent that I wear silicon gloves and a mask everywhere I go, and when someone coughs near, I run away. However, thats a totally different story, what I really want to know is whether your confectionary product 'Percy Pigs' can contain and spread the 'Swine Flu'?. I am no expert on this delicious product, but from the name of it, I gathered one of the ingredients is Pork. If so, I would seriously recommend you to perhaps changing the meat inside to another alternative, such as Horse.

If you would be so kind to get back to me with an answer to my enquire I would be most appreciative.


George Worton


Dear Mr Worton,

Thank you for your email. I understand that in this currently climatethat customers are very concerned by the swine flu situation. I am please to confirm that none of our products including Percy Pigsweets, have been effected by this.

I hope my email comes someway to help reassure you.

Kind Regards,

Syreeta Thomas

Customer Service Advisor

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